Project: Macleod & Company
Category: Web Development and Video Production
Macleod & Company, one of Downtown Vancouver’s pre-eminent Law Firms needed a new website that cut through the clutter and the mundane, while being sophisticated, not stuffy and approachable. We built a site and created a video describing what sets this law firm apart from the others.
Project: CA Technologies
Category: Video Product Explanation
As one of the largest independent software companies in the world CA is at the forefront of spearheading Digital Transformation across all aspects of business. What does that mean, well they came to M2O to help demystify yet another more complex technological concept in to simple terms. And it worked, so much so that they came back several times to target specific niche audiences across market sectors and the globe.
CA Technologies – Digital Transformation with APIs from M2O on Vimeo.
Project: Vancity
Category: Storytelling
As the largest community credit union in Canada, Vancouver City Savings Credit Union, AKA Vancity, leads the country as a financial institution with heart. With a history of leadership from allowing the first woman to sign a mortgage document without a male co-signatory (YES, that was a thing!) to partnering with Reconciliation Canada and promoting the LGBTQ+ Communities, Vancity IS a fresh community all about inclusion in this sometimes seemingly divisive time. M2O was asked to help create a 30 second television spot along with several 15 seconds web and mobile spots to signal and boldly state that we must embrace the diversity within our communities.